Health benefits of coffee vs tea [infographic]

Since both tea and coffee have health benefits yet a few drawbacks, why choose? I love coffee, but enjoy green tea in the morning. I should probably balance it out more with less coffee and more tea, but in case you were wondering why drink either, here’s a great infographic. (click on the image for the full graphic with more information)  Read more

March update

My brother decided to leave Tokyo after 5 years. He’s now in Florida for a while and may or may not return to Japan in June. — We’re leaving early tomorrow morning for Puerto Galera – white sandy beaches on the next island south of Luzon (the island we live on here in the Philippines). I’ve heard many mixed reviews of how to best get there. Essentially there are three main ways: small open catamaran style ‘bancas’ (one sank inRead more

Getting back into mountain biking

One of my first obsessions on the internet was pouring over websites and forums in the wee hours of the morning in search of the best mountain bike for my budget. While my massive roommates spent hours surfing pRon, I was bleary eyed from comparing the latest Gary Fishers and Voodoo. This was late 90’s, when I first got into mountain biking. I was midway through university and found biking to be amongst the best of stress relievers. There wasRead more

Getting back to a healthier lifestyle

Getting back into healthier eating and lifestyle again. This is Day #2. (Today): Breakfast: omelette/black coffee. Snack: grapes/whole unsalted almonds. Lunch: baked fish/asparagus. Snack: salad/fruit. Dinner: fish or chicken w/ veggies. No food after 6pm. Lots of water, less coffee, minimal red meat, more green tea, more fish. No sugar, rice, potatoes, bread, pasta. It’s not Atkins, or any specific “diet”; in fact it’s not a diet – it’s just sensible and healthy eating with reasonable portions. Something that can andRead more

First week back

Back in Jakarta. Clear head. Stress reduced. Repackaged. Despite rolling into Jakarta’s smog and absurd traffic within minutes of landing on Saturday, I was surprisingly able to maintain a positive outlook. The summer away was the perfect drug for starting fresh. I’m going to try my best to view Jakarta with the fresh eyes that I had over six years ago, and ‘go with the flow’ to the best of my ability. I used to be able to observe evenRead more

Blood types – I am all accepting

This is quite possibly the most random thing I could have posted today. I was cleaning out my wallet when I found a blood type card that was issued after I had Dengue Fever in December. Until this morning I couldn’t have told you what blood type I am; it’s never crossed my mind. For kicks, I looked it up online and learned that only 3% of American’s share type AB+ with me. Oddly, the largest population to share AB+Read more