Dreams of Thailand

This pier proved to be an interesting location for taking some casual photos of Novita while in Koh Samet, Thailand. There were lots of little children playing on the planks above our heads, laughing and jumping off into the clear waters below. Throughout all of Southeast Asia, everyone assumes she’s a native of their own country.Read more

Criminals, Cops, and Cherokees in B.F.E.

The back of a Florida State Trooper’s police car doesn’t smell like I thought it would. I figured bad aftershave, stale coffee, and tired sweat would be the eau de jour. This one just had that pungent new car smell wafting through the steel divider. — What would have been an average, long, and boring 11 hour trip from Tennessee down I-75 to Florida turned into what my mother likes to call, “an ordeal”. Somewhere around Macon, Georgia, we stopped toRead more