First impressions of the Kindle 3G

I caved in and bought a 3G Kindle despite proclaiming just two short years ago that I preferred physical books: “I guess despite being a full on tech guy, books are one area in which I like the tangible item. I spend much of the day online reading and working with screens; books are a welcome respite from pixels. I realize digital formats are more sensible, devices have made great strides in readability, and probably are much more ‘green’; perhapsRead more

In America for the summer

We’re in America for the summer after wrapping up a frantically paced spring in Manila. There’s nothing like the Tennessee lake and sun to absorb stress and decompress from our metropolitan lifestyle. I’ve been enjoying a bit of a digital diet considering the extent to which I’m connected while in Asia. That means very little internet, minimal Facebook, Twitter or email. I hardly watch any TV when in Manila, and have kept that also to a minimum. We’ll be relaxingRead more

Fushimi Inari-taisha Torii

Torii leading to the Fushimi Inari-taisha shrine in Kyoto, Japan. Getting tired of displaying images this small on the blog. Need a new solution… Canon 5D mk II | Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM | @f/4.0 | 1/40 sec | ISO 1000Read more

Post about Indonesian women and expat men has reached 221 comments

This post from nearly 5 years ago has certainly received a lot of feedback – currently at 221 comments. And there were many more comments not approved or moderated for various reasons (and I’m very lenient). It appears the nature of relationships between Asian women and foreigners is a hot topic. Unfortunately, the discussion also seems to breed hate, blatant racism, extreme generalizations, and the other crap that comes with the telling of peoples’ personal history. Each of these delicatelyRead more