Man of the cloth

This extraordinary man conversed with me for about 15 minutes after a Hindu ceremony was finished. I’ve promised to send him a print of the best of the series I took. I’ll be posting the others soon. Gunung Kawi, Central Bali 24-105mm@105 f/6.3Read more

The promise of a journey

A harbor hundreds of years old shelters these mammoth beauties. They’re still used to haul goods from other islands within Indonesia. A friend and I actually considered riding one to Sulewesi. This is actually a different photo than the one posted yesterday, not just a different effect.Read more

Low Light and Existing Light Photography: Lenses, ISO, Aperture, and SLRs

Morgan asked: “Just wondering how you are able to capture motion with so little light and not have the picture come out a blurry mess?” Low light photography is an area where most dSLRs triumph easily over point and shoot cameras. I won’t go into much detail but the sensor size of a dSLR is larger than a P&S, allowing a much cleaner image when in low light. This holds especially true as manufacturers cram more and more pixels intoRead more