iPad 3 Custom Lock Screen With Contact Info – How-to (also works for iPhone)

If you happen to lose your beloved iPad or iPhone, wouldn’t it be nice to rely upon the chance that the goodness of people will prevail in returning it to your hands? Naive? Perhaps. Nonetheless, it’s worth a shot. Pondering this today, I decided to create my own custom lock screen with my basic contact info overlaid on top of the image. Here’s how: Using an image editor (I used Photoshop), create a new file at a resolution of 2048 x 1536pxRead more

Back in Manila in a new role

Phew – it’s been a while huh? A tremendous amount has happened since my last update, with the most important change being the start of a new role at work. I’ve now taken on the position as IT Coordinator for the HS and program leader for the computer dept. It’s a highly demanding role, but a challenge I welcome and was ready for. I’ll continue with technology integration but in correlation with the coordination. I haven’t had a moment toRead more

Kindle vs iPad for reading outdoors

These photos clearly demonstrate why an iPad (or iPhone or any glossy screen device) is less ideal for reading outdoors than a Kindle (or other similar device). I don’t yet have a Kindle – this was borrowed from a friend. But as my e-book collection grows, I find myself really wishing for the Kindle under these circumstances. Much of my reading for pleasure is done after work, near the pool and I simply can’t get by with the iPad’s reflections.Read more