Arches National Park, Utah

18 second exposure in Arches National Park, Utah. The light trails are from people leaving the arch and passing by me. The bright light in the arch is from someone using large flashlight and often shining it towards me. A phenomenal location – highly recommend visiting!    Read more

Dreams of Thailand

This pier proved to be an interesting location for taking some casual photos of Novita while in Koh Samet, Thailand. There were lots of little children playing on the planks above our heads, laughing and jumping off into the clear waters below. Throughout all of Southeast Asia, everyone assumes she’s a native of their own country.Read more

Can smartphones now replace a “real” camera?

  This is question I’ve been often asked and see discussed online each time a new phone is released. New features are often labeled as revolutionary, or game-changing therefore supposedly eliminating the need to carry another camera. There are few ways to think about these statements and factors to consider when seeking an answer to this question. Note, this post is very much written for the masses and does not include each and every variable in the mix. We couldRead more

Photo exhibition of my work

A new photo gallery is opening in Manila featuring the works of four Philippine based artists. I’m very appreciative that the jury committee has chosen my work to be included with the other artists’. The very talented Nicholai Go is the owner of the gallery and has graciously developed the event. The details are listed below:   Indulge yourself in culture and meet the exhibited photographers of our first show: Philippines. Please join us for the gallery opening of BarRead more