Blogging Blues. How a 5 minute 'update' became a 5 hour fiasco.

So WordPress claims that the upgrade should take ‘5 minutes’ – hmm. It took me over 3 hours last night – at which point I ‘broke’ my blog – if you happened to drop by between 12am (jkta time) and 9am – you would have seen a completely blank page instead of my blog. Great stuff. I gave up last night and left it. Today I found a variety of problems and am slowly bringing it back to life. PleaseRead more

Blogging Bits: Flickr vs. WordPress vs. RSS?

I had no idea so many of you were viewing the blog via RSS, but it seems that the general consensus is that I have two separate groups of visitors – those that check out the blog and those that drop into Flickr. I’m guessing the Flickr community most likely doesn’t view the blog too often and now I see that many of you visit the blog and not Flickr – therefore, I will start posting more of ‘everything’ onRead more

So What Do You Think?

Do you like the re-design? Bland? Boring? Simple? Clean? I’m not finished yet, but have made some definite progress today. I’ve implemented a variety of changes, some obvious, others not so much. It’s all in the details – like the menu above, the registration on the right side of the header (so you won’t have to always add your info if you want to comment), technorati tags, much more intuitive archives (check it out!). These changes should make the siteRead more

Time for Change

As another year rolls by with this site, I’ve decided to attempt an upgrade to this blog’s design, navigation, and layout. The software that I’ve been using for a while is WordPress – I’m going to do my best to upgrade to the newest version without too many bumps, but if something drastically goes wrong, you’ll know why! *Update* – I’ve managed to upgrade to the newest version of WordPress without any problems, but as I begin the customization process,Read more

Random Thoughts

This post is going to be all over the place, as I’ve had enough caffeine to make a cappuccino nervous. As I was strolling through the insanity of one Jakarta’s mega-malls this afternoon, two completely different thoughts crossed my cortex. One – Being an expat (or tourist, traveller) staying in a country that speaks something other than your first language, you tend to have much more time to think while in public. Instead of picking up on the conversations ofRead more