2009: A year of change, travel, and adventure

One of my greatest interests in life is to travel, experience, and learn more about other cultures. There’s nothing like soaking up all that a new country has to offer. I feel immensely thankful that my career allows us to travel extensively (always wish it could be more but don’t want to be greedy). 2009 was a year of drastic, yet positive changes with our move from Indonesia to Philippines. Change is what defined this year. 2010 should be moreRead more

Into the blue

I’ve been away once again – in the Thousand Islands, (Pulau Seribu) – a chain of islands in the shallow Java Sea 50 miles or so north of Jakarta. I’ll write in more detail soon about the experience and some recommended sights to explore. I was courageous enough to bring all my camera gear with me this time, so hopefully I’ll be able to share some of the amazing scenery with you soon. There’s no way images can capture theRead more