From Chase Jarvis’ blog: “Robert Rodriguez is a special breed of filmmaker, a breed that we’ll continue to see more and more of as filmmaking technology becomes increasingly accessible and affordable.  The do-it-yourselfers who are so technically savvy that they can oversee and drive every aspect of their production.  Since his first DIY breakout film “El Mariachi”, Robert has been able to maintain total creative control of his films mostly due to one thing:  the dude knows how to stretchRead more

Canon S95 Miniature Effect Mode

The Canon S95 can produce a miniature effect mode for both photos and videos. In my experience it’s generally more useful when shooting a scene from a raised vantage point, preferably at an angle. It may be more successful with subjects such as people, vehicles, and buildings. The following photos were taken in Nikko, Japan and Yokohama, Japan. If you click through the photos, they’ll give you a slightly larger image to view. I’ll post video soon from the CanonRead more

CNN Go featuring my photos and writing from the MassKara Festival, Bacolod

CNN Go is now featuring my photos and writing from the MassKara Festival I photographed last weekend in Bacolod, Visayas. I’ll be posting more photos from the festival soon, but am in the midst of packing for Japan! Leaving tomorrow morning for 11 days in Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, amongst others. My brother is also a photographer, living in Tokyo, so we should hopefully get some good shots. Really looking forward to this trip! Check out the full article here. TheyRead more

Canon S95: A fantastic backup to my DSLR (full review with sample photos)

I just bought the Canon PowerShot S95 as an always-with-me backup to my huge DSLRs. It’s the best compact camera I’ve ever used or owned. Period. I’ve been out of the market for a pocket sized camera for years – the last compact I bought was a Canon G7, before that a Canon S2 IS in 2005, and my first digital camera – a Canon PowerShot S40, purchased in 2002 before I moved to Indonesia. I still have the S40!? fromRead more