An important article in The Huffington Post written by my cousin, "GM Goes Grassroots. A Son is Torn."

The following article in The Huffington Post, was written by my cousin, Jake Brewer. The article speaks not only to his father, my uncle who has worked for GM for 34 years (and helped start up Saturn), but to the entire nation during this desperate and critical juncture. An excerpt follows, but please read the article in its entirity. My cousin writes from his heart, while maintaining his passion for a clean energy future. This crisis puts our family inRead more

Productivity, Organization, and Getting Things Done

Lately an overwhelming feeling of ‘things I gotta do’ has taken over my mind and my free time. I think as technology and stress continues to grow exponentially, this won’t subside anytime soon. The best solution will come from learning to cope and manage these areas. As any proud procrastinator would proclaim, it’s all too easy to shut down and ignore all of your responsibilities rather than face them head-on. (A mantra I’ve tried to leave in my past). WhatRead more

A wonderful group of artists have given rise to a group called Utata. It was recently a Yahoo! Pick of the Day. This collaboration is the result of Catherine Jamieson’s rampant creativity. She is one of the most well known photobloggers out there – and for good reason. I highly recommend you take a moment (or an hour) to browse through her efforts. Some of the ‘net’s most talented photographers have joined forces to display their work both on utata.orgRead more