March update

My brother decided to leave Tokyo after 5 years. He’s now in Florida for a while and may or may not return to Japan in June. — We’re leaving early tomorrow morning for Puerto Galera – white sandy beaches on the next island south of Luzon (the island we live on here in the Philippines). I’ve heard many mixed reviews of how to best get there. Essentially there are three main ways: small open catamaran style ‘bancas’ (one sank inRead more

Getting back into mountain biking

One of my first obsessions on the internet was pouring over websites and forums in the wee hours of the morning in search of the best mountain bike for my budget. While my massive roommates spent hours surfing pRon, I was bleary eyed from comparing the latest Gary Fishers and Voodoo. This was late 90’s, when I first got into mountain biking. I was midway through university and found biking to be amongst the best of stress relievers. There wasRead more

Over-training or the Flu?

So my week went like this: Tuesday: I worked out at the gym having taken nearly a month off. I pushed myself to levels of which I knew I shouldn’t have attempted, but it felt good to be back in the gym again. See, I’m a bit abnormal in the fact that I love lifting weights and dislike doing cardio (indoors at least, cause I love mountain biking or hiking). Many of my friends are the other way around, andRead more

Snorkeling on a Motorcycle

As I’ve mentioned before, one of the things I love about Singapore are the cavernous bookstores on Orchard Rd. I have an addiction to reading (when I have time) and find that it only makes my craving worse to be surrounded by towering shelves of goodness. There are simply too many subjects that I’m interested in. Here’s a typical path I may follow in no certain order: Photography, travel, new fiction, graphic design, computers, psychology, mountain biking, new non-fiction, classicRead more