Multiple exposures – the best of both worlds

After the previous photo was posted, questions were raised including, “How did you get so much color from this shot (and I hope your response is not “I took it in BALI”), and how did you stop the sun from wrecking the foreground. Amazing.” Generally I don’t allow a peek behind the curtain, but in this case I’ll make an exception. Most you know that I don’t use too much manipulation with my photos. I generally try to remain consistentRead more

Lightroom galleries

I’ve been playing with some of the Lightroom galleries for the web. I’m way past due on creating a decent gallery (my last one was circa 2003). I may end up using a series of these galleries for such a purpose. If you’d prefer to explore some alternative galleries than the default Lightroom templates, visit: They have a number of very creative galleries for free download. The two that I’ve experimented with tonight may be seen here: more