Quiet in Kuta, Ubud is a Mood

Foreword: As many of you may have noticed, my site was down for about 5 days! I’ve never had that happen, but there was a ‘miscommunication’ with my web host. I won’t vent my frustrations now, but I apologize for that happening. In three years time, that’s never happened. It should be fine now. …… Well after one of the worst landings of my life (on Adam Air), we arrived in Bali. When the plane hit the ground, I literallyRead more

To and 'Fro

Pelabuhan Ratu, South Java I’m ashamed to admit that it’s taken me so long, but I’ve just recently discovered the Japanese author Haruki Murakami. I’ve just finished David Mitchell’s number9dream – and loved his style. Upon further reading, I found that many of his ideas were inspired by the work of Murakami, so ran to the bookstore this weekend to pick up a few of his works as well as another of Mitchell’s: Kafka on the Shore – Murakami NorwegianRead more

Fear Factor, Brain Food, and the Roommate's Girlfriend

Let’s talk about food. Everyone has to eat. But our cuisine choices seem to differ around the planet. I’ve traveled a bit, I’ve seen some strange food, but let me tell you… Indonesia has some of the strangest choices I’ve ever seen, smelled, and had the audacity to sample. When I am feeling ambitious, I let my maid chill and I go shopping for groceries… it’s quite the experience. First of all, when you walk into the grocery store, youRead more