Kabar Magazine – my cover and article

Kabar Magazine (published throughout S.E. Asia) released their latest issue a couple of weeks ago. Sorry, it slipped my mind to post this. The cover is one of my photos from last year, and the article is something I wrote to accompany the soccer photos taken a couple months ago. For those of you living in Indonesia, it’s available at most bookstores.Read more

United Nations brochure – my photos

A nice fellow from the U.N. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) emailed me asking for permission to use some of my photos for their project. A couple of my photos were used. Here’s a link to the full brochure. This particular photo was taken in front of my work place after the floods in Jakarta last month. The three white dudes are my coworkers/friends. I’m very pleased that something positive came out of me wading around in that filthRead more

Photo Exhibition in Boston Area

After a hellish amount of preparation, the photo exhibition is finally coming together. The show starts today and will finish tomorrow night (the 17th and 18th). I managed to send 100 prints from Indonesia, 72 of which will be up for grabs. Matted, signed, etc. I truly hope it’s a success, as this is the first time I’ve shown my work without actually being there. I’ve come across many obstacles, yet all will surely lead me to a smoother journeyRead more

Photo Exhibition

I’ve been MIA lately, as I’m preparing to do a rather large shipment of my photographs to the States. It’s an absurd amount of preparation. I’ll be doing a show in Newburyport, MA (just outside of Boston), on November 17th and 18th. If anyone happens to be in the area, please drop by. I won’t, however, be there myself. One of my friends and former colleagues will be working as my agent for the show. I’ll have about 50 piecesRead more

Purchasing Prints

Yesterday I received a comment, “How may I purchase your work?”. I have similar requests emailed to me quite often, so I’d like to reiterate it here. I do indeed sell many prints of my work. Many expats and colleagues have prints of my work hanging in their homes, and I also sell work in the States. If you reside in Indonesia (esp Jakarta) I can easily have a print couriered to your home or place of business. Alternatively, youRead more