Bule Behavior Defined.

My gym is on the second level of a newly constructed urban jungle called “The Piazza”. To get to that second level, I have two options: the stairs or this hi-tech tunnel with a flashy escalator. I almost always opt for the escalator as it’s closer to the parking area (ok and it’s got the Knight Rider feel). A couple months ago, the escalator stopped running for no reason. They didn’t attempt to put any kind of “Under Repair” signRead more

Small Exhibition

I’ve been ridiculously busy this week preparing for a small exhibition of my photos taking place this weekend. See, I love traveling, I love taking photos, and I don’t mind the hours of Photoshop spent tweaking each one that makes the ‘cut’. What I don’t enjoy doing is promoting my work. I suck at that. With the help of Novita, Treespotter, Avi, Ian, and a few others, I’ve been getting my butt in gear to finally start making something ofRead more

Portrait of a Meat-Head

No, really, I do own shirts with sleeves! In response to the comments left on flickr: I have to dress more formally for work, so sometimes when I get home the first thing I do is strip down to my workout gear. I admit, I miss wearing long sleeves, jackets, sweaters, and not sweating anytime I step outside. This perpetual summer gets a bit old at times. I miss autumn and spring the most – not so much snow, slush,Read more

Cameras, Corvettes, and Confusion

From my brother’s gallery: What does a Corvette have anything to do with cameras? Absolutely nothing, but that’s a privilege of writing your own blog. I just heard that my brother crashed my dad’s Corvette last week. Apparently he hit a deer (or rather, the deer hit him) and caused him to do a 180 spinning into a ditch. Both are bruised and battered I’m sure, but fine otherwise. He’s currently hosting a photographic exhibit at the University of Michigan.Read more