Currently in Bangkok for Apple… Suggestions?

I’m currently in Bangkok for Apple. I’ll be here for about 6 days; most packed with events. I won’t have much free time to roam around Bangkok, however, next Wednesday I’ll have most of the day until about 5pm. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to best see the city in 10 hours or so? Photography opps would be great, but so would some unique experiences. I’m open to any and all suggestions! ——————— Certifications like 156-315 and 640-801Read more

50,000 Minutes

50,000 minutes. That’s the number of minutes spent not at my desk. Not in Jakarta. And loving (nearly) every minute of it. We covered around 1700km, took around 45GB (3500+) photos, and for once never had a single bout of “Bali Belly”. (you may remember I befriended an amoeba last summer). As I mentioned, this trip we made our ‘base’, the sand and surf area of Seminyak, north of Kuta. This trip also proved to be a bit more productiveRead more

Well hello there.

So I guess I’ve been away a bit longer than I’d planned. It’s a rough life waking up every day, heading to the beach or for a day trip around Bali. The ‘net has been the last thing on my mind. My apologies to those of you who’ve wondered where I’ve disappeared to. Although we’ve managed to soak up some sun, we’ve covered about 1300 kilometers so far; our travels have included: Kuta, Seminyak, Ubud, Sanur, Tampaksiring, Kintimani, Lake Batur,Read more

Bali and Lombok for a month…

We’re leaving tonight for Bali and Lombok. I have five weeks of holiday time, but am not sure how long I’ll be away. I’m bringing all of my photo gear this trip, including my Canon 5D. It’s the first time I’ve actually brought that camera, cause I’m always so paranoid about theft/damage. Generally I’ve relied on a 350D. I’m going to revisit some spots I’ve been in the past to get some better photos, either from fresh perspectives or differentRead more

1600 photos later…

I’ve returned from Bali with 1600 photos and a sore butt. Before you crack the jokes – the soreness is from Waterbom’s water slides. I must have gone down the slides at least 30 times, bruising my arse to a nice deep azure. 1600 photo in 5 days seems excessive surely, but this is one of the first times in all my trips to Bali that I had a chance to focus so much time and energy into taking pics.Read more

Off to Bali

I’m leaving in a few hours for five days in Bali. Just a short break, but we’ll be busy every moment. I’m bringing a Canon 350D instead of my 5D out of fear, considering there will be many times I’ll have to leave the gear in the hotel (rafting, etc) – a bit of a bummer, but it’s still a great camera. I hope to return with some decent shots from the majestic island. (I have a bit of aRead more