Social media vs blogging (Google+, 500px, Twitter, Facebook, etc)

I’ve been slacking on the blogging front, mostly due to my workload and recent travels to Indonesia and Puerto Galera, but also due to the fact that I’ve been posting in various other places (Google+, Twitter, Facebook, 500px, etc). I realize many bloggers have jumped ship for an easier, micro-blogging style of presenting a lifestream, but I have no desire to abandon this blog no matter how busy I get. Here are some of the other ways to keep trackRead more

Pixelpost for a photoblog

I’ve decided to go forth with redesigning a photoblog from the ground up. I know there are easy solutions out there like Tumblr and Posterous, but I am a stubborn fool and prefer more of a challenge for some masochistic reason. Perhaps I enjoy teaching myself new skills, or maybe I’m a control freak? Per John’s suggestion, I’ve taken a good look at Pixelpost instead of going the WordPress route. According to their description, Pixelpost is: “an open-source, standards-compliant, multi-lingual,Read more

Has micro-blogging destroyed your blog?

I’d like to pose a question: “Has the advent of Twitter, FB status updates, (micro-blogging) changed the way you blog?”. With this now, Now, NOW culture, have the days of carefully composed blog posts died? Have you abandoned your blog in favor of the dialogue and communication options available with Twitter and other tools? Has your blog been killed off, like a Mom-n-Pop bookstore wilting in the shadow of Amazon? Or have you perhaps slowed your approach to blogging, takingRead more

7 years of blogging: The Java Jive turns 7.

This month marks the seventh year of this blog. A tremendous amount has changed in these seven years, and through it all, I’ve kept this old thing running – something I never envisioned in 2002 as a naive, fresh-off-the-plane expat. In many ways I supposed I’ve “grown up” in front of anyone who has followed this blog; writing styles have changed, perspectives altered, and life experiences have dramatically morphed my views of the world. The archives aren’t functioning ideally atRead more

Redesigned and sterilized

In order to completely rid myself of the malware plaguing this blog for over a week, I took dramatic action: reinstalling WordPress and installing a completely different theme, rather than try to fix the other. Dreamhost has been very little help and the problem is documented as having affected over 20,000 other WP blogs (some of which were hosted by Dreamhost). It’s disappointing that I have to struggle myself to fix such problems, when no one else can help. IfRead more

Free trip to Indonesia! If you are a travel blogger check this out. Pesta Blogger 2008

The Indonesian government will invite five foreign bloggers on a round trip to Yogyakarta and Bali as part of the Pesta Blogger 2008. The bloggers are from the United States, China/Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and Malaysia. The blogging trip is a novel activity for the Pesta Blogger, the largest national-scale bloggers’ gathering in Indonesia. The five bloggers would start their trip in Bali on November 17 before going to Yogyakarta and Jakarta. The U.S. Embassy is also one of theRead more