Novita by the power of three: Deciding if photos are better in color or black and white?

A tough decision many photographers face is deciding how the final image should look. This holds especially true in any type of portraiture. Many people are drawn to black and white, as often it’s more flattering to the model and as such, many people correlate black and white with more professional portraits. Quite often I process photos in both color and black and white, but only post one version or the other; it’s not always an easy decision. The exampleRead more


Kecak fire dance, Uluwatu Bali. Photoblog version here. I’ve been in Bali for a week, but am back with a few decent shots, but I didn’t take nearly as many as usual. Currently experiencing lens lust again, this time with the 35mm f1.4 and 135mm f2.Read more