Muara Karang – A Glimpse of the Past

Their day begins as most of the city slips into slumber. The fishermen of Muara Karang have a schedule all their own. The fish market of Sunda Kelapa is their version of the business district although the dress policy may not reflect that of the ‘other’ CBD in downtown Jakarta. If you have yet to visit the historic fish market, you truly are missing a plethora of sights and smells not seen many other places, even in The Big Durian.Read more

'Round and 'Round

‘Becak’ making his rounds in the street market of Sunda Kelapa – an old Dutch port made famous during the spice trades. Canon EOS 350D Exposure: 0.05 sec (1/20) Aperture: f/5 Focal Length: 10 mm ISO Speed: 800Read more

Weathered Wood and Blisters in the Sun

A villager poses for a moment as I pass through his kampung (traditional Indonesian village). Their homes are built on stilts along a river leading to the ocean. The traditional fishing village and tradepost has been around for hundreds of years, with little change evident. Octopus drying in the sun. Interesting smells wafting about this area – pretty much indescribable with words. Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta, IndonesiaRead more

Sunda Kelapa

A very old Dutch port from which the same style of boats have been built and used for hundreds of years. Surprisingly this is only 20 minutes from my home, and yet this was the first time in 4 years that I’ve been here… I plan to go back with my ‘real’ camera next time. (this was taken with a 4mp compact cam).Read more