So many online groups, so little time. Flickr, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

I’ve started taking a look at Jaiku. I’m always up for trying something new, but admittedly find it a bit overwhelming to have: a blog, flickr, twitter, myspace, facebook, friendster (ok, so I tried it), multiply, vox, regular chat accounts, not to mention the offline life. So I’m feeling as though I need to stick to a few very solid communities, groups, or technologies. What does Jaiku have over the others? What does Facebook have over Myspace? I’m still notRead more

Prison Break: Maids

John left this comment regarding my maid posting: “escape out the roof at midnight to ‘hang out’ with the construction workers” 🙂 seems like you’re turning into an old fart. I guess I may as well come out with the full story of this one. It’s Friday and there’s nothing better to talk about at the moment. My next door neighbor has two maids: one about 17 years old, cute but knows it, and one a couple years older andRead more