Sci-fi book recommendations?

Ok, I have a confession. I’ve never read any sort of science fiction or fantasy book other than something like “1984“. I came across Dune in the bookstore the other day, and it sparked my curiosity. I’ve seen it compared to some of the better novels of the 20th century, including Lord of the Rings. Has anyone read it? Thoughts? Similarly, if I were to start off with one book from the genre, what would you recommend? I don’t mindRead more

Getting Published: Digital Portrait Photography and Lighting

Some of my photographs have been published in “Digital Portrait Photography and Lighting” – a book written by the lovely, talented, and award-winning photographer, Catherine Jamieson. She was kind enough to include some photos of Novita, Nana, and some other portraits of Indonesians in her book. I haven’t had the chance to see it yet, but it’s available on and most likely in many bookstores across the world. Here is some additional acclaim for the book.Read more

To and 'Fro

Pelabuhan Ratu, South Java I’m ashamed to admit that it’s taken me so long, but I’ve just recently discovered the Japanese author Haruki Murakami. I’ve just finished David Mitchell’s number9dream – and loved his style. Upon further reading, I found that many of his ideas were inspired by the work of Murakami, so ran to the bookstore this weekend to pick up a few of his works as well as another of Mitchell’s: Kafka on the Shore – Murakami NorwegianRead more

The Da Vinci Code

I read a fascinating book titled, The Da Vinci Code. It’s been a long time since a book has actually made me interested enough to research its material on the ‘net. Take a chance and check this book out – every person that has borrowed it from me has been gripped by the stories mix of fact and fiction. Let me know what you think if you’ve already finished it.Read more

Life of Pi

I have found that money is not nearly important to me as happiness, yet money is needed to allow me to travel – which leads to happiness. That’s why I’ve begun investing in the stock market – but that’s another story for another day. So far I’m taking great risks but could also make decent cash. I read an amazing book called Life of Pi – it’s not a book for everyone, but I believe anyone could pull something outRead more