Looking for a condo in Manila – Concrete + space vs green + proximity

As much as we love our glass palace in the sky, we’re considering moving. It’s going to be tough giving up the space – 235 sq meters (2500 sq feet), 4 bedroom / 4 1/2 bath + maid’s quarters, the views from 500 feet up, the floor to ceiling windows… However, we’re willing to sacrifice space for greener living. We’re quite literally in the midst of a concrete jungle. Towering skyscrapers, bustling sidewalks, concerete everywhere – which is great ifRead more

In the Corner

Along one of my walks, I came across a housing development built upon stilts. They were raised 3 meters over the swamp below. The homes weaved intricately through a maze of wood and life. One hallway led to a gang of children playing and laughing in spirits light as helium. All but this one little girl. Clutching her belongings. Not laughing. Not smiling. Alone in the corner. Alone.Read more


Chicken soup for the skeptic’s soul. The days spent in this small town were some of the most humbling and thought-provoking experiences I’ve ever had. While living in Indonesia these past years, I’ve been witness to an incredible variety of life, yet somehow these travels were, in many ways more moving. This was not a tourist town or a widely traveled path for white guys – evident each time eyes were met with mine. People were brimming with warmth –Read more

Starbucks, Terrorism, and Samurai

Have you seen that flick? I saw it last night – sorry, but everything takes a bit longer to reach Indonesia. What an awesome movie! I was surprised to see Tom Cruise take up this role, but in the end I think he did a much better job than I would have predicted. Maybe I’m a sucker for these “male pride/honor comes first/wish I was there” type movies (Gladiator, Braveheart), but it really was well done. The main opposing character,Read more