Switching Web Hosting

As discussed last week, I’ve decided to switch my web hosting from a company located in Jakarta, to Dreamhost.com.

I’ve had a number of headaches, billing issues, downtime, horrible communication, etc, not to mention the price/benefit ratio is absurd. Here’s an example of what the Indonesian host offers:

4 GB space + 40 GB bandwidth = $45 / month
1 GB space + 15 GB bandwidth = $14 / month
100 MB space + 3 GB bandwidth = $5 / month


Dreamhost offers:

20 GB space + 1 Terabyte of bandwidth = $9.95 / month (both space and bandwidth automatically increase for free every week).

Hmmm…. tough call huh?

Also, I used a referral code and knocked off half of that price and no setup fee. (I’ve made another referral code for $50 off – “javajive” – if anyone is interested).

I’ve already uploaded everything to their servers, but things won’t actually be switched for another day or so (I hope) as I’m waiting for the old host to release the DNS. I’ve tested the majority of my work without problems, but cannot feasibly check this blog out on the new host – I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Please be aware that when they do actually move www.thejavajive.com to the new host, my site may be down for a day or two. I can always be reached via thejavajive (at) gmail (dot) com or via my flickr account.