New Photoblog or Just Playin?

I’ve been messing around with the idea of creating a straight-up photoblog with minimal writing for those visitors who seek only the imagery. I also would rather be able to display the photos in a larger size than the blog allows for.

If you’ve been following me for a while you know that I have a gallery that hasn’t been updated in forever, a flickr account that is consistently updated but lacks my own personalization, a smugmug account from which I sell prints (and never upload to), and of course this blog. Somehow that seems like one too many already.
I’ve toyed with the idea of a separate blog for my writing and a photoblog for photos for quite some time, but haven’t actively pursued it for a few reasons:

  • the blog definitely receives decent traffic and many long time visitors whom most likely don’t wish to try to keep up with multiple sites
  • often the photos have a story behind them, and reiterating on two separate sites seems like overkill (and a lot of work)
  • flickr, although not the prettiest, does provide a huge audience. I’ve received a few ‘jobs’ via flickr already.
  • who wants to try updating 5 different sites?

So despite these points I spent a lot of time yesterday setting up this: The Java Jive Photoblog. It’s definitely unfinished, unpolished, and lacking content; consider this an experiment only. What are your thoughts on handling this ‘problem’? Should I just stick with the blog/flickr/smugmug (and maybe utilize the gallery I already have)? Should I pursue the photoblog idea?