We're off to America

Well, the day is finally upon us. Work is done, and the weight of the past 8 weeks is slowly sliding off my shoulders. We’ll be leaving around midnight for Singapore, then Tokyo, Chicago, and Detroit (will be slightly rough!). Hoping to make it to the Chicago region to see friends, Michigan, Tennessee, and possibly Florida. Unfortunately, my sister is in Australia, and my brother in Tokyo, so we won’t be able to catch up this summer.

Might have to save the plan to go out West for next time. As I mentioned in the last post, photography and writing has had to take a back seat to getting other things finished, but now that summer is welcoming us with open arms, hopefully I’ll get back on track soon.

Yet again, we’re seeing so many good friends depart, but I know we’ll cross paths again. I’m not sure what’s harder – leaving friends or being left by them.

2008/2009 will bring about some dramatic changes in our lives. Most likely we’ll be leaving Jakarta, just not sure for what yet. A career change may be in the works, and as daunting as it’ll be, I think we’re ready for something new.

Here’s to a great summer. Hope all is well with everyone.

First time I’ve been home since 2004!