16 Pixels

16 pixels is not a lot of room.

How do you represent yourself in this [ ] amount of space? I spent the better part of an hour learning how to create favicons for work today. What the hell is a favicon? That little icon located next to the web address you just typed in.

I figured I’d try out a few for personal use. It’s harder than it looks to represent your site in the space occupied by a pea. A few examples of my efforts –

Finally I settled on this one – not so much for its design but rather for its personal meaning. Any thoughts? Don’t hesitate telling me a kindergartener can do better – I can take rejection. 😉

I’ve been eyeing a G5 iMac lately – I’ve been a pc user most of my life – except when studying product and graphic design in university. I’ve never experienced terrible viruses, blue-screens, or other anti-pc problems – I simply love well designed products and find this to be an exceptionally designed computer. I have no angst for Mr. Gates, but know that my photography and design work may be better served with a Mac.

The mac mini held my attention for a while, especially for its portability – but then again, I have a still very functional Compaq laptop that’s served me well for that purpose.

There are pros and cons for both macs – the iMac’s beautiful screen could also be its pitfall – if the screen breaks, the processor would be a lifeless slab of white. If the processor breaks, the screen becomes a very pricey lcd without life.

The mac mini – as cute as it is – could prove to be a bit slow for the massive image files I run on Photoshop.

On the other hand, I love the design aspect of both products – but dread the thought of coupling such a great product as the mac mini with a big ass CRT monitor – killing any suavity (is that a word?) that it works so hard to put forth. And Photoshop may run completely fine if it sits on 512mb of ram or more.

The iMac most likely would be a completely reliable, super chic, and beautiful addition to my workspace (practicality taking a back seat) and would probably provide a couple of blissful years of service without so much as a hiccup. If I do go this way I may prefer to wait a few months till Apple supposedly offers Tiger OS included with more standard ram and 1.8 – 2.0ghz offerings.

Then again, I could just keep on keepin on with my current setup – a 2.4ghz wintel, 512mb ram, 80gb hard drive (bursting at the seams).

My compaq 1.6ghz laptop, 768mb ram, 30gb hard drive (uh, yeah, my music player has more memory).

A seagate 160gb portable hard drive (awesome purchase, but will need another one soon).

Ah, the ponderings of a twenty-something, cluelesstothefuture, notquiteoldenoughtobegererationx’er.

Any thoughts on these thoughts?