My Space on Myspace

So I’ve been playing around with

I know, I’m only two years late. In some ways it seems ridiculously cheesy and so… I don’t know, 1997 Geocities or something. I can’t believe the absurd backgrounds, clutter, and other junk that people put on their profiles BUT who am I to talk? It’s one of the most popular sites on the ‘net.

To be honest, even after browsing for people from my high school, university, etc, I still can’t see what the big deal is. Why is it so popular? What is it about the seemingly very basic formula that attracts people of all walks of life and ages to post their every detail and photo online? I feel like I’m either completely missing the point or am getting too old for this stuff. Please tell me it’s not the second reason.

At any rate, if you guys wanna add me or in any way interact via that wonderful world of confusion. I’m available at

Just to “fit in” I even posted the notorious topless photo (no nippleage Lao-Ocean!)

Can’t wait to see how this whole heyletsputourentirelivesonthewebbyagefifteen thing affects the future lives of our leaders, spouses, employers…