Maid-less once again

As spoiled as this sounds – it sucks not having a maid. We had to let ours go.

I lived alone for nearly a decade, so I’m quite competent with laundry, cooking (well, sort of), and am a pretty clean guy. So, no, a maid is not a necessary part of living here – BUT, I’ll have the rest of my life to go maid-less once I leave Indonesia.

So, my plea to you is this: if you have any reliable source for finding maids, or know of one available, please let me know. I’m not picky, not demanding, and pay more than average. i just ask that they not steal from me, escape out the roof at midnight to ‘hang out’ with the construction workers, or smoke crack in the back patio. English is not necessary believe it or not, and neither is previous expat household experience.

The search is on.