Posting more personal information

I’ve been toying with the idea of sharing more personal information with those of you who’d care to listen. However, due to the miracle of Google, I think I’ll password protect some of the posts. Does anyone know if Google can pick up the writing if it utilizes a password? At times this blog gets lonely cause I have way too many stories to share that simply aren’t appropriate for this site and some of those visiting for photography orRead more

Random Thoughts

This post is going to be all over the place, as I’ve had enough caffeine to make a cappuccino nervous. As I was strolling through the insanity of one Jakarta’s mega-malls this afternoon, two completely different thoughts crossed my cortex. One – Being an expat (or tourist, traveller) staying in a country that speaks something other than your first language, you tend to have much more time to think while in public. Instead of picking up on the conversations ofRead more


Ok, so I’m trying to make a decision but could use a little help. Should I make TWO separate blogs, one for writing and one as a photoblog, and keep both addresses? OR delegate one of them as my single outpouring of creativity and rantings both visually and intellectually? Do you prefer to have more writing or photos?Read more

Making an Ass of Myself

Well I may as well break up the seriousness of some of my writing by explaining how much of a jackass I can be. This is something that happened when I first arrived in Indonesia in August… but failed to tell many people. I had only been in Indonesia for a few days, and decided to finally venture out into the city… After an exhausting night in this crazy city, I took a shady looking taxi home. The driver didn’tRead more